Yep, that's Election Fever, like Scarlet Fever or Rheumatic Fever, but more, y'know, electiony. I know I promised I wouldn't bang on too much about the election but today history shall be made as ITV actually produce a programme without any ad breaks (who'da thunk it?). Brown, Cameron and Clegg (a line-up that could be easily confused with the latest series of Last of the Summer Wine...) will trade blows on live television in front of phlegmatic Alasdair Stewart in the first of 3 no doubt riveting bouts of policy bashing and general name-calling, while Farage, Griffin and Salmond just have a fight by the bins outside the ITN news building (presumably).
Well, the ad in today's Guardian for the debate features the strong profiles of the three would-be PMs- Brown, determined; Cameron, pouty; Clegg, portrayed by Frank Lampard apparently. So what's going to happen. Well, fully expect a couple of "step outside, poshboy"s and prepare to hear the word 'change' more often than if you were attending a beggar's convention. Will it sway the voters? We just don't know and regardless of what the papers' experts say tomorrow, we'll have to wait until May to find out.
TYSIC Update
Progress with one of the writing projects is coming on leaps and bounds by virtue of this month being Script Frenzy month. There's a lesson here, a little structured motivation can push on projects that you've been procrastinating over for a long time. As for voicing a video game character... well, your guess is as good as mine. Unless next month is 'Voice a Video Game Character Month' then this one could take a larger percentage of the ten years than my other goals. Hope all you TYSICers are doing just swell. Until Next week's update, adieu.
Soho Theatre Run January 2020
5 years ago
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