Well, Cameron's launched the Big Society. So, how are we all? Do we all feel bigger? No, of course we don't. From what I can tell, 'Big Society' is essentially Thatcherism for the predicitive text generation, for a generation lazier and less intelligent than that of the 80s.
Just how big is this 'big society'... oh wait, it's not really all that big and it's not much of a society either. It's just an evolution of the classic Cameron "don't like how your local hospital is being run by the NHS? Take it over yourself" presumably followed by the bit we never hear but is every bit as valid: "Because we're too fucking lazy to do it ourselves, even though it's our job." It's the same as, "don't like your school being accountable to some form of government? Are you a completely underqualified, but reckon you could probably have a go because Tarquin's GCSE predictions weren't quite as good as you thought? Well, you can set up an academy."
It's been underway for less than 24 hours, but I'm already tired of it. It's political bullshit of the rankest and most indolent nature. I now have a bit of stand-up where I 'go political'. I didn't want to do it, but thanks to this excuse for a policy I'm now essentially Ben Elton. Elton, you hear me? Bloody Hell!
This day was obviously going to turn out to be ridiculous when Michael Gove (about whom I have made my feelings known on numerous occasions) went on the Today programme and had a go at the Beeb. He's presumably just bitter about them cancelling his children's TV show Pob's Programme, in which he played the titular Pob with Olivier-like aplomb. The BBC remains one of very, very few things to be proud of about this country (a list that doesn't include Gove, one might add) and already Twitter is abuzz with the #proudofthebbc hashtag.
I can't believe he's failed to understand something that was made very clear earlier this year - People like the BBC. They tried to take away 6Music and people got angry. In a war of words between Gove and the BBC, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone to side with the Education secretary a man who, and I hate to shoot a low blow like this, looks as though he has just opened the Ark of the Covenant and the wrath of God has begun to melt his face like a candle.
Viva la Revolucion!
Soho Theatre Run January 2020
5 years ago
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