Well, we could be literally hours away from going to Hell in a hand cart and despite that most news outlets seem to have devoted a proportion of their airtime to the discussion of that all important phrase for former PMs- the legacy and attempting to shit all over it.
"What is Brown's legacy?" They ask - cue media bitching and everyone talking over each other. Fortunately thanks to the internet, no-one can talk over me so here's the definitive Or So I Thought... view of the legacy. Essentially Brown was one of the unluckiest power figures in history, taking charge at a time when the entire world decided to turn into a massive political shitstorm for 3 years or so. I should make clear now that I'm not an apologist for Brown, but here was a man, a pioneer of New Labour, a man who lost an eye in a tragic rugby accident and was fortunate not to lose the other a few years later, a man whose first few weeks of office saw a flaming terrorist kicked in the testicles by a drunk Glaswegian, whose holiday was cut short by Foot and Mouth.
Now I'm not here to deny that the man has made mistakes, even he's admitted the error of the 10p tax debacle and more recently the massively blown out of proportion 'bigotgate'. If anything I liked the man more for what he said. It was typical of the hack media to jump on his back, pretending that they're somehow different, that Cameron doesn't have to wipe his hands on an aide after meeting and greeting his 'friends' in Plymouth, as if Clegg doesn't moan about the general lying of the electorate after the televised debates. We are none of us perfect. If Pitt the Younger or Gladstone had been forced to muddle through the sheer bog of crap that Brown had to, I doubt they would have come out smelling of roses either. Perhaps the legacy should be a hard, old-school fiscal politician who managed to reign in what seemed a near unassailable Tory lead in the polls to prevent a majority Cameron government and fell on his sword to stay true to his moral compass.
So now we are stuck, waiting to see if the world will end, it could do. An argument foisted upon me seemingly constantly is that the Tories won the election. While they did recieve the most votes, their percentage of vote share was one of the lowest in the history of the Conservatives, not to mention that they didn't achieve the majority. It strikes me that in the 10,000 metres, if all three competitors die before the finish then there are no winners, no medals are awarded to anyone. Perhaps the real winner here is the Green Party for overcoming the preposterous electoral system to gain their first seat in the Commons.
Political rant over and out.
Soho Theatre Run January 2020
5 years ago
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