
"It was the most offended I've ever been by a Killer Whale story." Mrs. Trellis of North Wales

"I liked the video bit, that was quite good." J. Stephenson of Tucson, Arizona.

"Nope, never heard of it." Business Secretary, Vince Cable MP

Friday 14 January 2011

This Was the Week, This Was....

Well, it would turn out that the furore that led to last week's blog was in fact a hoax. Hoax/joke, I basically called it correctly... anyway, it would appear that shit-stirring sociopath Kenneth Tong was conducting a 'social experiment'. Now, it comes as absolutely no surprise that someone who partook in the 'social experiment' Big Brother, would have no concept whatsoever of what actually constitutes a social experiment. It would appear that in both cases, observing ordinary folk to gain insight into cultural norms and human nature lies somewhere far behind SAYING OR DOING MORALLY DUBIOUS THINGS FOR ATTENTION.

Anyway, don't worry, it's not all going to be about Tong, I just thought I'd follow up on last week's and point out that it was all, of course, a hoax for the purposes of a social experiment... Oh and spare a thought for the Independent's columnist Johann Hari who spent a not inconsiderable amount of time interviewing the wretch when we all still thought he was genuinely advocating illness as a viable means of achieving his evil misogynist aims...

Still, he's cried wolf now, so if in March he starts tweeting about how he's found Lord Lucan under a napsack in his parent's kitchen, we'll all be wise to his games...

So yeah, forget about him. Forget about the last three paragraphs... and last week's blog... just remember that it was all very funny and someone should probably pay me for this, in all honesty...

So, another week of popular culture and anotherweek where we slip ever closer to the void and all realise that Nathan Barley was, in fact, a documentary... Anyway, topicality... that's what we need here. Umm, Labour hold Oldham... um... ah, Silvio Berlusconi is now formally under investigation for 'using a teenage prostitute and abusing his position as PM'. Mais non? Not old Silvio, the lovable rogue? Abusing his position of power? Say it ain't so.


(I'm very shouty today, sorry about that...)

Silvio has done nothing with the power he's held at varying intervals over the last three decades than abuse it. I'll take an interesting standpoint here and say that, sure Silvio's had some fun with his position, but then isn't that really the ultimate aim of having any true power or influence? Just, so that you can do whatever you want with whichever belly dancers or teenagers you want? I'm certain that Italy's greatest political commentator Niccolo Machiavelli would have just loved Silvio for proving him right about absolutely everything.

He's the modern day Cesare Borgia, but instead gaining territory Silvio makes boundless sexual conquests (and is slightly less dependent on the goodwill of the Papacy). Nonetheless the authorities in Milan are now conducting investigations into the indiscretions of everyone's favourite comedy head of government. I'm now taking bets on the likelihood of Silvio Berlusconi coming out and saying "I was conducting a social experiment into how many daliances a political leader can have before people realise they're generally unsuitable for the running of a country's infrastructure".

This week also saw the discovery of a brand new starsign, the mysterious Ophiucus. Here's today's horoscope for that one.

When the Moon is in the Seventh House and Jupiter aligns with Mars, a handsome stranger will feed you some bullshit about there being starsigns, let alone a new one.

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