
"It was the most offended I've ever been by a Killer Whale story." Mrs. Trellis of North Wales

"I liked the video bit, that was quite good." J. Stephenson of Tucson, Arizona.

"Nope, never heard of it." Business Secretary, Vince Cable MP

Friday 19 February 2010

Friday Pictorial the Third: Sport

Friday's here and that can only mean one thing - more audio visual delights for you delectation!

I did promise a video of the magnificent Anja Paerson crash from two days ago, but sadly the IOC Copyright Fascists (yeah, stick it to the man!) have been hot on the heels of those who tried to upload the footage to Youtube. So, instead I bring you this (think of it like the BBC boxing news coverage in the good old days):

I warned you I'd bang on about the Winters and here I am.


  1. I love your "Friday Pictorial" so much!

  2. Thanks, Simone. It's one of my better ideas. Glad you like it.
